Version 24.1.1

  • July 26, 2024
  • Event Day
    • Fix missing script editor for award assignments.
  • Platform
    • Fix performance issue with caching framework.

Version 24.1.0

  • July 14, 2024
  • Conversations
    • Introduce Conversations, a new module of Lumieos to replace News and Updates + Emails.
    • Added Broadcasts: a way for events, partners or Lumieos to send you notifications.
  • Dashboard
    • Replace News and Updates with new Conversations Module - Broadcasts.
    • Clean up action item table.
  • Events
    • Remove calculated robot game table pair and judging pod values if agenda group is not provided.
    • Remove team details once event is complete, or if none are provided.
    • Improve speed of preference registration processing.
  • Platform
    • Rework caching framework.
    • Purge deprecated assets
    • Added Background Task Status Monitoring
    • Add Billable Activity Tracking
  • Region Admin
    • Fix importer failure.
    • Cleaned up UI of team list page.
    • Show attended events from previous seasons.
    • Fix season wizard to properly update team roles and limits for new season.
    • Update generated embed code for Team/Event tables to use partner urls.
    • Improve JS code API.

Version 24.0.0

  • May 19, 2024
  • Accounts
    • Created new screening records for accounts and migrated existing sources.
    • Updated action item generation to reflect new screening sources.
    • Add email address verification process and allow multiple emails addresses.
  • Events
    • Add some validation to fix event day phase when changing event dates.
  • Event Day
    • Fix issue where event day buttons did not show up on dashboard.
  • FIRST Integration
    • Allow previous season events to continue after "new" season is live. Allow for multiple FIRST seasons to be active at any time.
  • Platform
    • Add new Lumieos Branding.
    • Add Session timeout and logout system to allow users to be warned of getting logged out.
    • Update to Django 5 and move to new features.
    • Purge unused files.
    • Perform 2023 season PII cleanup and purge remaining 2022 records.
  • Region Admin
    • Add new season setup wizard.
    • Fix issue where previous season data would not load.
  • Volunteer
    • Hide volunteer interface if season is not setup (when user was a volunteer in the past).