This event has concluded. Final results can be found under the Scores and Awards tab
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Event Information

Thanks to FRC- 604 Quixillver for organizing

Date: Loading...

Location: Leland High School, 6677 Camden Ave, San Jose, CA 95120

Statistics: This event will host {} teams with {} students from {} cities. There are {} rookie teams!

Event Specific Details for Teams

Event Agenda

  • Team Check-in & Teams setup Pit table
    8 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.
  • Team setup Pit area
    8:15 a.m. - 8:40 a.m.
    During Coaches Meeting, 2nd adult (co-coach) will work with team to get their pit area all setup
  • Coaches Meeting
    8:15 a.m. - 8:40 a.m.
    Please do your best to make room in the seating area.
  • Opening Ceremony
    8:45 a.m. - 9 a.m.
    Meet with the Tournement Director, Judge Advisor and Head Referee. The Judge Advisor will cover any Judging questions.The Head Referee will explain the queuing and Robot Game process at the event, as well as announce any new official Robot Game Updates. The Tournament Director go through any last minute announcement or reminders.
  • Pits Open to Public
    9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Robot Game Matches & Judging
    9 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
  • Lunch Break
    noon - 12:55 p.m.
  • Pit Cleanup / Tear Down
    3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
    Teams should pick up belongings and clean up their pit area.
  • Host Fun Activity
    4:15 p.m. - 5:25 p.m.
  • Closing Ceremonies
    5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.

Links and Downloads

    Build a personalized agenda for multiple teams at once. Click the box below and start typing to filter teams.

    Team Information

    # Name City Organization Advancing
    2848 H2LEGO Santa Clara Cabrillo Middle School
    17492 Hydrospace Santa Clara Cabrillo Middle School
    17494 Coral Crusaders Santa Clara Cabrillo Middle School
    25571 The Innovative Inventors Santa Clara Cabrillo Middle School
    25573 Otter This World Santa Clara Cabrillo Middle School
    56026 RoboKids Folsom Gold Ridge Elementary School Advanced
    56459 Code Warriors Fremont Family/Community Advanced
    56489 Gear Girls San Jose Family/Community
    57600 Delta Rovers San Jose Family/Community Advanced
    58666 Techno Bricks San Jose Allstars United Education Foundation Advanced
    60115 Racing Robo Pleasanton Family/Community
    60296 Stormy Knights San Jose Graystone Elementary School
    60497 Apollo 6 Fremont Family/Community
    62268 Delta Cosmic coders SAN JOSE Family/Community Advanced
    62314 Cyber Sharks Cupertino Family/Community Advanced
    64638 Brain Bots San Jose Family/Community Advanced
    64902 TBT Alamo Tice Creek School
    65169 Terrace TechTitans Dublin Family/Community
    65840 Graystone Ninjas San Jose Graystone Elementary Advanced
    67205 Robots of Atlantis SARATOGA Foothill Elementary
    67280 Superstarz 3.0 San Ramon Family/Community
    67447 Cool Thunderbolts! San Jose Family/Community
    68440 Oceanic Overlords (Argo Team 241) Saratoga Argonaut Elementary
    68453 Argo Team 245 Saratoga Argonaut Elementary

    Practice Tables Schedule

    Below is the current practice tables schedule for this event.

    Volunteer for FIRST!

    FIRST makes it easy to become a volunteer.

    A community of like-minded adults is ready and willing to help you find a volunteer spot that’s just right for your interest and skills level.

    Volunteers make up 99% of the FIRST workforce.

    Whether you have a weekend to help, want to mentor a team, have technical or non-technical expertise, there is a volunteer role suited to your unique interest. Find information about FIRST programs, volunteer resources, opportunities, and more!.

    FIRST Volunteer Season Badge

    Available Volunteer Roles

    Playing at Learning and FIRST offer many opportunities to get involved! Whether you have four hours on a weekend, want to mentor/coach for a season, or just want to be a part of the overall experience, there is a volunteer role suited to your unique talents and interest. Anyone age 13 or greater can get involved in our programs to help inspire the next generation. Below you can find descriptions of roles available at this event. Some roles have a detailed breakdown of their agenda, and we also list roles that require training and certification. Click the blue button to signup to volunteer!

    Name Type Description Agenda Training Actions
    Robot Game Rankings Final Results
    Rank Number Name Highest Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4

    Award Winners

    Champions Award

    Core Awards

    Other Awards